With summer well and truly upon us, it’s time to get outside and start enjoying the sun and the good company of friends and family. There’s nothing quite like firing up the fire pit or breaking out the barbecue and inviting friends over...
TIG Welding Tips for the Beginner
At Freehold Welding Inc. we know that the art of being an accomplished welder is only something that comes with practice, and then more practice!
Many people start welding and become disheartened because it wasn’t as easy as it...
Top 10 Dos and Don’ts of TIG Welding for Your DIY Projects
Even the seasoned welders at Freehold Welding Inc. had to start somewhere! And that’s why we are always happy to share our knowledge and expertise with those looking to handle their own DIY welding projects.
We also appreciate the...
Leave Your Railing Repairs Or Installation Project To Our Welding Experts
Railings serve a number of very important purposes depending on where they are fitted, and their design and style. They can be functional, serving as a safety precaution or mobility/stability aid. They can also be beautifully ornate and...
The Art Of Welding
Did you know that welding is a process steeped in thousands of years of history? Going by the precision of welding machinery today and the expertise of our professional welders, you could be forgiven for thinking it is a relatively new...
Coordinating Utility Pipe Repairs That Are Quick, Reliable & Safe
Any utility pipe failure or problem needs to be dealt with as a matter of urgency especially where gases or volatile liquids are concerned. At Freehold Welding Inc., we have years of experience when it comes to repairing utility pipes of...
When On-Site Welding Repairs Are The Only Option
At Freehold Welding Inc. we take great pride in our versatility and ability to offer our clients the widest range of welding services in New Jersey. We understand how important it is to tailor our services to the welding project at...
Structural Steel – The Foundation Of A Sturdy Construction
When it comes to constructing a quality building, it is so important to use the right structural steel supports and framework. At Freehold Welding Inc. we offer a range of structural steel and aluminum fabrication services that will take...
Reducing the Downtime of Your Heavy Equipment in the Field
Heavy excavation equipment such as loader backhoes, trenchers, loaders and mini excavators can take a real beating over the years and need expert repairs and assistance from time to time.