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TIG Welding Tips for the Beginner

At Freehold Welding Inc. we know that the art of being an accomplished welder is only something that comes with practice, and then more practice!  Many people start welding and become disheartened because it wasn’t as easy as it...

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The Art Of Welding

Did you know that welding is a process steeped in thousands of years of history? Going by the precision of welding machinery today and the expertise of our professional welders, you could be forgiven for thinking it is a relatively new...

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When On-Site Welding Repairs Are The Only Option

At Freehold Welding Inc. we take great pride in our versatility and ability to offer our clients the widest range of welding services in New Jersey.  We understand how important it is to tailor our services to the welding project at...

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